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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cats are Serial Killers

It's true, gotta face it. This site will help you see the true nature of our beloved pets..

coming back down to earth

Well hello out there..This is my first attempt at blogging.. I am usually a pretty private person and the thought of telling my personal thoughts and feelings out in public usually makes me feel vulnerable, but here I go.  As a singer I push myself to let my true voice and music be heard and break through the fear of vulnerability and let my true self shine, so I feel like this attempt to pour myself on to the page is a good excersise for me.. Yesterday I met a cab driver who said that true singers must have very big hearts and feel very deeply, in order to convey the emotion that moves people..that it must not be easy to feel so much and then to open your heart out while performing, that they must be compassionate and very loving. Sometimes you meet the right person at the right time who says the perfect thing. The more I trust myself and let myself feel and musically express what I innately know, I fall into place in life. It sounds simple, feel it, sing it, do it- but for some reason I have found it hard to not doubt myself as I get to know my creative self.  I know a girl who told me that it seems like the people with the good messages are the quiet ones and the ones with the bad or aggresive messages are loud.. I believe the power of positivity needs to become louder!. Though this is not as easy as it may appear as this society and social norms are so intense .Self-belief and self respect  is everything. I am learing to  harness the power within and make an impact- break through the fear and let myself BE.  No matter what people say or criticize-Whether you like to wear wacky colours and clothes or dance in the street or read or sing or knit.. I want to live in a world where expression is healthy and alive. There is so much distraction in the media and in this city... I miss hearing crickets, watching fireflys and looking at a silent sky filled with stars, I miss swimming in oceans and walks with no destination, letting life draw me into its mystery.. I could live my life If I could with no destination.. If it were really up to me , all I would do would be sing, watch water, bask in the sun, eat beautiful food, make love, dance, cry, laugh, and watch the world invent itself everyday over orange mountains.. The struggle and the push for success and achievement is what our society is all about.. and in a sense its set up so that you may do all the things you want when you retire. On a real level- we must meet ourselves before hand, - beacuse when we are about to die, I wonder if one would choose to just do the simple things, and really be there to enjoy them, instead of worrying so much. Basically what I am saying is that The moment is life, life is this moment. Sometimes I feel like I am a balloon drifting off into space, as my mind wanders.. in and out of right Now...but as I breathe.. I find joy, I am learning and..."coming back down to earth"... which just happens to be the title of a new song, I will be performing this Thursday in Toronto..